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Chapter IX

Though purity of mind is the primary thing for the protection of society and the individual in the realm of the divine, Varna organisation too is very important. It can never be blown off by ridicule, criticism or condemnation. For welfare is essential for all; so rulers and scholars must give up feelings of anger and hatred and calmly delve into the pros and cons and bring the organisation into some good order. That is the thing to do. It is not proper that wise men and intelligent scholars should support the meaningless criticisms of the envious and the ignorant. Those who deny caste are themselves forming a caste; those who deny religion are themselves forming a new religion. Even those who know much become prejudiced against Varna and talk as if they are as ignorant as the rest. That is the wonder!

Every object has certain limits; if it exceeds the limits or breaks through them it gets destroyed. What is the test of its identity? The coordination between its nature and its form. If it has the form but not the nature, then it is unreal, false. So too, if each class has no special limits, how can it be identified as a class? It will be neither this, nor that; an amorphous mass, a confused group. This is a divinely decided organisation; so it was fostered and continued by the great sages, saints and elders, for many generations. But in this iron age of Kali the brainiest dismiss it as useless junk.

Without deep inquiry, without discrimination, if people look at this organisation from the external, the individual standpoint, how can they arrive at right conclusions? Its sanctity and value will be revealed if you have the 'inner sight' and the 'universal outlook' and the 'inquiring spirit.' Just as the butter inherent in milk is made patent by the process of churning, so too the specific value of the four Varnas will become manifest only through the process of discriminating enquiry. Then prejudices will perish; reality will be revealed.
