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Fine Arts and the Finest Arts Discourse of Sathya Sai Baba, Shivaajinagar, Bangalore,
14 December 1963 India is the Moolasthaanam (sanctum sanctorum) of Sathya, Dharma, Shaanthi and Prema (truth, virtue, peace and love; she has been holding forth these ideals and emphasising their practice since centuries. Bhaarath means the land that has Rathi (attachment) to Bha or Bhagavaan; it means that the people here are God-loving, not so much God-fearing. If you love God, you have to love Man also. This teaching that Sathya is the basis of Dharma which lays down individual and social duties and obligations, and that Sathya is also the root of Prema and Shaanthi - this is the unique feature of Bhaarath. Sathya is enough; no other God need be worshipped. Here, in the Gurukulams and the Rishiaashrams (hermitages), the emphasis has always been on practice, on Aachaara and Vichaara (conduct and deliberation). Use your reason; it is God-given gift. Satisfy yourself whether the prescription will cure you; then, follow also the course of discipline which is recommended with the particular drug. Then you gain Aanandha, full, free, undiminishable. That is the teaching which the people of Bhaarath have been receiving from the cradle to the grave for ages. Sundharamuurthy had arranged a "grand" procession for Me from his Institute to this Stadium, for, this day he is celebrating the Silver Jubilee of his Institute! Let Me tell you this now itself: I do not like this pomp and show. I do not derive any joy out of it. Do not waste Money on Pomb and Show Pomp, such as this, has become a fashion now, even among ascetics and monks who ought to know better. They profess poverty and simplicity and yet, they allow or encourage their disciples to waste much energy and money on pomp and pageantry which serve only to develop the egoism of themselves and their followers. The emphasis on show makes a thing hollow of all meaning. The misery of the present age is largely due to this empty ritual of insincere demonstrations. You should all resolve to maintain the honour and dignity of the country, which is your responsibility. Bhaarath is entitled to be the Guru (preceptor) of the world. Her's is no mean history. This is the land of Krishna, where the Vedhas and the Upanishads saw the light, where Shankaraachaarya established monasteries for the propagation of the Sanaathana Dharma (eternal religion). This land will be saved, for it has a mission to perform, which no other can fulfill. Don't yield to silly fears that this or that country will endanger its freedom. That is impossible. The Avathaar of the Lord has come and the effect will be safety for this holy land. Live the life that was held forth as the ideal by the sages of the past and happiness is ensured. That kind of life will give internal contentment and quiet calm. Festival of the Aathma is more magnificent Prayer is a more powerful force than military re-enforcements: if made with a sincere heart it will be certainly answered. It will strengthen the hands of the people of this land more than any other source of encouragement. It will join the hearts of the people more than lectures or pamphlets can do. What is the use of trying for the unity of mankind or the union of this continent or that, with so many factions and misunderstandings festering this country? Become united yourselves sincerely and firmly, before advising others to close up their ranks. Repent for the faults of partisanship committed by you and begin a new chapter of brotherly co-operation. Sundharamuurthy and his friends and co-workers are happy today because of the 'Silver Jubilee'. It is a festival for the Institute: but, I consider the Festival of the Aathma to be more magnificent. The Aathma has an eternal festival! It is Aanandhaswaruuupa (bliss-filled). It is beyond time and so does not calculate the passage of time. How can man celebrate a festival, let Me ask, while he is afflicted by Deha bhraanthi, Indhriya bhraanthi, Mano bhraanthi and Loka bhraanthi? He believes the falsehoods (bhraanti) that are named the body, the senses, the mind, the world! He pursues them and tastes joy and grief; and, when a certain number of years is passed in the pastime, he celebrates a festival! Man is a Compound of Animal and Angel That is Maayaa (illusory power) within Maayaa (the great worldly illusion). I have not come to announce to you that this Institute has finished twenty-five years of existence. I am concerned with the spiritual arts, the finest arts, rather than the fine arts. I want that Sundharamuurthy should depict in dance spiritually elevating subjects, like Raadha and Krishna and their sublime relationship that is beyond the ken of man. He must give up themes such as drunkards, evil men, power-drunk personalities and clowns, which cater to vulgar tastes. Adjust all items of dance and dramatic representation to the spiritual urge in man; foster it, fertilise it and take people a little nearer to the Goal. Man is a compound of animal and angel, we can say. He has in him the wolf, the monkey, the bullock, the jackal, the snake, the peacock, the bear - and he has beneath all these, the pure spark of divinity too. It is the duty of all who cater to the senses of man to transform the low values now pervading, and transmute them into higher values. The rulers too must canalise the enthusiasm and imagination of the people along healthy lines. |